Monday, December 5, 2011

Starting meditation - Concentration; the basic technique

Concentration occurs naturally when something calls our attention. We say we are concentrated or focused when we keep thinking about nothing else. For instances, we are focused when we enjoy the texture and color of a silk scarf, when read an interested book, when we feel pleased with the first spoon of a tasty soup… When an activity is in front of our mind, every other thought is relegated. As soon as we put our attention off the scarf or the soup, these thoughts appear again instantly. That is how our attention performs this little miracle: put the thoughts softly off the way.

The key to a good concentration is to feel interest on the object or activity. Focusing on our respiration might not be as interesting as the first spoon of the soup but if we can look at it with the same curiosity, respiration will finally be.

When we concentrate, our mind becomes slower. We pay more attention, we relax and the other thoughts disappear. It is not that easy, of course. After focusing on our respiration for a few seconds, an urgent idea comes to our mind; shall I read the newspaper now or later? What are they showing on TV now? Respiration seems boring in comparison.

This is the hard job in meditation; leave aside any other idea and go back to the concentration object. Meditation works on the principle of deferred pleasure. When we can get rid of a simple idea we feel the satisfaction of a moment of freedom. Gradually, our mind becomes sharp and clear, able to comprehend better.

In order to meditate we choose an object – respiration, a flower, a mantra or an image – and cover it with a fence. We try to keep ourselves within the fence and explore.

Good concentration is soft and almost effortless. In essence, concentration is letting you flow freely. Our mind will concentrate naturally if we can get rid of other thoughts.

Focusing does not mean blocking the other thoughts. This is impossible. It is more like working with the lens of a picture camera; when we focus on a flower a short distance, we see it clear, everything else is still there, out of focus, blurry.

Some people think that in order to be conscious of something it is necessary to think about it. When you stroke your cat you do not think on it, you just do it. Concentration is non-verbal, it is sensual and immediate. It involves feeling, not thinking.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What are the benefits of meditation?

What are the benefits of meditation?

The benefits of meditation extend all over everything we do in our lives. We gain energy and health. We think and work more efficiently and enjoy our life.

People usually have a reason to meditate. It may be the need to cure an illness or get better results out of their learning processes,  but they often get something different or beyond what they were looking for. Sometimes people meditate to alleviate sleeplessness and as a side effect they improve their personal relations, or they want to cope with blood pressure and find peace of mind or find a purpose for their lives. In general, people look for improvement of their health and find spiritual expansion as well.

I might say that meditation acts as the old “all-purpose elixirs”. It is good for: solving insomnia, stomach disorders, lack of memory, sadness and self-esteem problems. Ah, and warps will disappear too. People discover soon the benefits of meditation by themselves. This direct experience is worth more than a thousand words.    

People meditate for many reasons:

·         Relaxation
·         Health
·         Peace of mind and harmony
·         Concentration
·         Improve sport or artistic skills
·         Inspiration and creativity
·         Quality of live
·         Self-comprehension and self-therapy
·         Spiritual awareness

There is a modern method of meditation named “Dynamic Meditation” which may help you feel better, healthier and with peace of mind. This method will allow you to obtain the following benefits:

  • Enjoy the benefits of relaxation.
  • Feel better, happier and healthier.
  • Develop your intuition.
  • Project your mind to detect information.
  • Perform remote viewing.
  • Develop your God given senses.
  • Use your senses to improve conditions.
  • Remove barriers that stop your success and experience abundance in every area of your life.
  • Gain more control over your life! Take the right decisions and enjoy a happier life.

Enjoy this relaxing music:

    Friday, November 11, 2011

    What is empowerment?

    What is empowerment? As defined by Oxford Dictionaries, empower is:
    •          give (someone) the authority or power to do something: members are empowered to audit the accounts of limited companies.
    So we may think of Empowerment as taking our power back. It does not mean to take power over someone else; it rather means taking power to change our Self and our life. It is common to ask outward for help and healing and we frequently transfer our power to others.

    Empowerment is related to take back our power by means of looking inside ourselves, using our own inner resources to drive self-change; self-transformation. Self-empowerment is:  releasing ourselves from any auto-imposed limitations and aligning with our own power. This concept requires we understand that only we are the sole creators of our life experience. Certainly, there are external factors and conditions that may affect us, but it is our inner, energetic, subconscious state that creates these factors and conditions. Thus, true healing and change comes from within us.

    Quite often we do not recognize the purpose of our lives. It requires some effort to find our own answers to this matter and start living self-empowered lives.

    Let us empower ourselves.

    We need to look to ourselves to get empowered. No one is going to do it for us.

    It will be great to change our life for the better.

    Have you ever thought, "I wish I could better myself”? What can I do to empower me? How can I have a better life? I wish my life was more in the flow. How can I generate more abundance?

    Tune into yourself!

    Self-empowerment is related to “tuning in” to your higher self. You regain your power and positive inner happiness. It’s about discarding external influences and creating a positive internal experience first. Then, it turns to creating the positive external experience you desire.

    Every one of us is a whole and perfect being. We have the power to have, to do and to be anything we want. The only reason that we might not have this is because we are not tuned into ourselves. Anything we could ever want exists already. We only need to tune into it in order to attract it into our life experience. Self-empowerment is related to re-discovering how to achieve it. We know how to do it. It is just that we have forgotten it.

    We tend to see life as something that happens to us. Life is something we manifest from within us, something we absolutely create with our inner power.

    Learning a form of meditation is essential to self-empowerment. Meditation let you learn to separate your true consciousness, your higher awareness, or higher self from your mind.

    When you are aware of your mind, you open up to your higher consciousness and tune into your power to use your mind as the powerful tool that it is.

    Enjoy this inspirational video

    and this one too...

    Sunday, October 30, 2011

    Results from one of the Best Self Help Books


    This time I want to share with you a recent experience that my family went through. I had just started exercising with one of the best self help books I have ever read (listened, to be honest). It is in fact a complete course named “The Silva UltraMind ESP System”.

    We celebrated my mother’s 84th birthdate on August 20th 2011. We all considered she was pretty healthy in spite of some uncomfortable symptoms proper of her age. Unfortunately, she suffered a brain stroke that the doctor identified as an ischemic attack (“mini-stroke”) on the 6th of September 2011; less than a month after her birthdate. She felt an intense headache and then she fell unconscious.

    Before I go on with my story and in behalf of all my readers, I want to be didactic and take 2 lines to briefly mention the symptoms of a brain stroke. The first stroke signs are: numbness or weakness of the face, arm and leg on one side of the body, trouble seeing, talking or understanding and severe headaches. Patients usually feel dizzy, confused, may loss balance or coordination and have trouble walking. Because a brain stroke is a medical emergency, it is highly important to recognize its signs as soon as they occur in order to preserve the patient’s life.

    Let’s go back to my story. After leaving the hospital, my mother was taken back home and stayed on bed for 3 weeks. During the first week she could not pronounce understandable words. We had to figure out and implement strategies to feed her and keep her clean. On the fourth week my mother started to get up with assistance. She started to feel clear minded but especially by the end of the day, about ten hours after waking up in the morning, she started to feel anxious. My father felt anxious too. After some unsuccessful attempts and after discussing a bit on what we could do, I had an intuitive thought and my father and I decided to apply to my mother, part of what I had been studying.

    I explained to my mother what we wanted to do. Even though I am not sure if she understood the scope of our idea, she accepted to proceed. I took my mother through an exercise of guided relaxation as per “The Silva UltraMind ESP System”. After fifteen minutes, she felt relaxed, comfortably at ease, at such a level that she said her pains diminished significantly. It was a real achievement. I have done the procedure twice, with the same successful result.

    Thursday, October 27, 2011

    Welcome to "The Best Self Help Books Review" Blog

    Hi everyone.

    There might be many web sites that you can visit when you try to get information related to the best self help books available on Internet. You might wonder why Henry decided to set up this blog site. Well, the intention with this blog is to collect as much information as possible, brought from my personal experience and from altruist contributors, who are willing to provide their experiences and share this astonishing knowledge with human being.

    This blog has been arranged to make available our assessment on the value that a particular book we have read has added to our lives.

    Many books have been written on the subject. Some of them are complex, some others are simple. The ones I like the most, are the practical ones. Those that provide me with knowledge that can be used directly into one’s real life circumstances.

    Instead of analyzing the books that I read, I will be delivering the results that I have had after reading them and taking the proper actions.

    Most people think about money when they talk about success and personal development. In this blog, the term self-help has the same meaning as self-improvement, self-empowerment and self-development, which is conceptually, a genuine right of human being. Other terms related to the same idea are: success, achievement, accomplishment, triumph, etc. They are all related to the idea of reaching a personal state where you feel integral completeness. This idea includes happiness, health, prosperity, wellbeing, welfare, safety, mind awareness…

    This is the idea we want to cultivate. This idea is related to the universe equilibrium.We want to gather a community to develop and spread this idea. We want to cultivate – sow, take care, harvest - the way to consciously synchronize with this balance.

    This project requires our effort; we are called to work it out until we develop inner skills to do it easily and freely.

    We would like to have visitors who are willing to commendably contribute and provide their life experiences in behalf of other people who can benefit from those experiences.

    We can make a better world out there; let’s improve our inner world first.

    For those of you, who can do so, please feel free to register, leave your worthy comments and share your experiences.

    In the meantime, please watch this inspirational video

    Did you like it?

    Best wishes for a wonderful life.

    Till next time.