Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Do you know what you want?

Do you know what you want?

Help, I have no clarity on which path to choose right now.
How I can do to find out what I really want to do with my life?
Ever happened to you?
I think we all have gone through this some time in our lives.  And it is perfect.
Having a "crisis" also means opening your mind to new possibilities and opportunities.

So if right now you do not have very clear what you want to do or which way to go, this is what I would say:

First, a bit of openness ... You DO know what you want!

We often say that we know what we want but in reality, we are afraid, we are terrified to fail, mistakes makes us nervous, we do not deserve it, we are afraid of what other people say or we are afraid of looking like an idiot in front of our friends.

I am sure, deep inside your heart you really know what you want to do, right?

And if you still have doubts, close your eyes, breathe deeply and answer this question:
"If no one was watching, if you had all the time in the world and all the resources you need ...
What would you be doing right now?
What you want to do? "


Did you find out? I am glad.

Now that you know what you want, this is what you have to do to manifest:

Step 1: Accept it and live it as it is

The first and most important step is to accept what you want no matter what others say or how scared you are.

Step 2: Take massive action to make it happens.
Nothing happens if we do not take action. Take the decision today to do something that brings you closer to what you want. It does not have to be big but it has to be something. Step by step you will be creating that dream reality.

And cheer up, there is nothing better than having dreams and go for them.

Lao-Zi, the founder of Taoism, said once: “In the center of your being you have the answer; you know who you are and know what you want."

Want to learn how to relax and program your mind for success?

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Meditación para amarse a sí Mismo

Meditación para amarse a sí Mismo.

Se recomienda este ejercicio cuando sienta angustia, ira o cualquier sentimiento que le produzca desasosiego o intranquilidad. También es muy útil cuando sienta que su auto-estima está muy baja.

Encuentre un sitio tranquilo, cómodo y siéntese en posición recta, con las manos sobre sus piernas. Si prefiere y tiene la posibilidad, acuéstese mirando hacia arriba. Ahora, Respire profundamente varias veces y enfoque su atención en el aire que fluye hacia adentro y hacia afuera mientras respira.

Ahora ponga su atención en su corazón, y a medida que inspira sienta como si su corazón se expandiera y se relaja, se suaviza. Mientras exhala, libere cualquier tensión o resistencia. Ahora traiga a su corazón ya sea una imagen de sí mismo o repita su nombre y manténgase, siéntase en su corazón, con ternura y suavidad. En silencio, repita mentalmente: "Me Libero de toda duda, Soy feliz, todos mis asuntos se resuelven bien para mí". Siga respirando y siga sintiendo como su corazón se abre, abrazándose a si mismo con amor, y continúe repitiendo mentalmente las mismas palabras.

Este ejercicio  generará una profunda bondad y aprecio por uno mismo.

Al término de unos minutos, cuando su estado de angustia haya desaparecido, tome una respiración profunda, lentamente, y luego exhale. Continúe su día con un corazón bondadoso y una sonrisa en los labios.

Medite y desarrolle su “Yo”